Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach : An Effectiveness-Based Approach

Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach, Fourth Edition, is an updated version of THE classic book on program planning, design, and implementation. This new edition is written in a deliberate manner designed to help students logically follow the program planning process. An increased emphasis on diversity teaches students and program planners how to develop a well-rounded program that meets the needs of relevant populations. Students will learn to track one phase to the next, resulting in a solid understanding of the issues of internal consistency and planning integrity. The book's format guides students from problem analysis through evaluation, enabling them to apply these concepts to their own program plans. -- publisher's web site.

Избранные страницы


1 Contemporary Issues in Social Service Program Planning and Administration

Problem AnalysisNeeds Assessment

2 The Contribution of Theory to Program Planning

3 Understanding Social Problems

Theoretical Considerations

Approaches to Measurement

Planning Designing and Tracking the Intervention

6 Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy

Calculating the Value and Cost of the Intervention

10 Performance Measurement Monitoring and Program Evaluation

11 Impact Program Evaluation and Hypothesis Testing

12 Budgeting for Financial Control Management and Planning

13 Developing LineItem Functional and Program Budgeting Systems

Implementing EffectivenessBased Program Planning Practical Implications

7 Setting Goals and Objectives

8 Designing Effective Programs

9 Using Management Information

About the Authors

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Об авторе (2012)

Peter M. Kettner is Professor Emeritus at the Arizona State University School of Social Work. He is the author of six books, 50 articles, monographs, and book chapters on the topics of purchase-of-service contracting, privatization, macro practice in social work, human services planning, and social work administration. Over his 30 year career in academia he served as a consultant to five different state human service agencies and dozens of local nonprofit agencies on their purchase of service contracting practices and in the design and implementation of effectiveness-based planning systems. In retirement he has continued his writing and consultation with local government and nonprofit agencies. Robert M. Moroney is Professor of Social Policy and Planning at the School of Social Work at Arizona State University. He is the author of ten books and over 60 articles and book chapters on various aspects of policy, planning, and program evaluation. He currently serves as a board member of the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Human Development. He does extensive consultation with numerous national, state, and local human service organizations. Lawrence L. Martin is Professor of Public Affairs, Social Work and Public Administration at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. He was previously on the faculty of the Columbia University School of Social Work in New York City where he directed the program in social work administration. He is the author of 20 books and major monographs and over 100 articles and book chapters.

Библиографические данные

Название Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: An Effectiveness-Based Approach
SAGE Sourcebooks for the Human Services
Авторы Peter M. Kettner , Robert M. Moroney , Lawrence L. Martin
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель SAGE, 2012
ISBN 1412995167, 9781412995160
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 322
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan